Platform: Linux 2.0-2.2 [Den Bookcase, GOG]
32 Players
Competative, Co-op, Online, Team, Mods, LAN
Rating:★★★★ (Single) ★★★★☆ (Multi)
Developer: Digital Extremes
Publisher: Epic Games
Genre: Shooter, First Person
Released: 1998
Country of Origin: Canada
Also as "Unreal Gold" via GOG
Included Media: Manual
Rating: Mature
Series: Unreal
Added: 2006-01-01
Region: North America
Resolutions: Any
Hardware Support: 3DFX Glide, HID Joystick
Save Method: System
Not much luck running in Linux so far. It appears the package is
corrupt? Run the installer with --help
for options to
manually extract it. However, actual unreal binary looked like it was
missing. md5sum errors seem like a red herring, though temporarily
providing the i386 binary didn't cause it to behave any differently.
Might be able to just use the oldskool mod. Some
to refer to later
Don't forget to disable mod when not playing Unreal 1 or UT
Play Status/History
Progress: Downloads Available
Queue: Not Queued
Myself from 10/06/2018 to 30/06/2018