In this latest installment of the long-running Legend of Heroes series, you control two heroes: Estelle bright, a daughter of the famous adventurer Cassius, and her adopted brother Joshua, who was brought to live in their house under mysterious circumstances. The family belongs to an adventurer guild called "bracers", who protect town people and do various dangerous tasks for money. When Cassius leaves to another town, Estelle and Joshua have to perform various missions as the bracers, and soon find themselves in a middle of a sinister conspiracy!
Although released for the PC, this is a Japanese console-style RPG with turn-based combat. You can move your party member over the battle screen and perform various attacks, including the so-called "Arts" (special attacks) and "Crafts" (similar to limit breaks in Final Fantasy games). There are also many story-related and optional bracer missions to do that will increase your rank in your profession.