Tetris and Dr. Mario


Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System [Bookcase]
2 Players
Split Screen, Competative
Rating:★★★★ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Dev/Pub: Nintendo
Genre: Action, Compilation, Puzzle
Released: 1994
Country of Origin: Japan



Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone
Series: Tetris
Added: 2006-01-01
Region: North America
Serial: SNS-ATFE-USA-1
Resolutions: 240p
Save Method: Stage Skip

High scores under Game Boy Tetris and NES Dr. Mario.

Music is the same as Game Boy

Play Status/History

Progress: Progress Not Applicable
Queue: Not Interested
Aversan from 02/11/2015 to 21/12/2016

Games Included

Tetris (Tetris and Dr. Mario)
2 players: Split Screen, Competative
Dr. Mario (Tetris and Dr. Mario)
2 players: Split Screen, Competative