Tetris DX


Platform: Game Boy Colour [Game Boy Binder]
2 Players
Competative, LAN
Rating:★★★☆ (Single) ★★★★★ (Multi)
Dev/Pub: Nintendo
Genre: Action, Puzzle
Released: 1998
Country of Origin: Japan

Tetris DX requires you to place different shaped blocks which fall from the top of the screen, along the bottom of the screen to make up a line which then disappears from the screen. Watch out though, if you cant fill the gaps and the blocks fill up to the top of the screen the game is over.

Tetris DX features 4 one-player modes and two-player mode using the Universal Game Link Cable.



Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone
Series: Tetris
Added: 2024-09-13
Region: North America
Resolutions: 160x144
Save Method: Onboard

Play Status/History

Progress: Incomplete
Queue: Portable Classic