Platform: Linux 4.x [GOG]
1 Player
Dev/Pub: D-Pad Studio
Genre: Action, Adventure
Released: 11/01/2016
Country of Origin: Unassigned
About: Owlboy is a 'high-bit' adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you explore the open skies. Overcome obstacles and greater enemies, in one of the most detailed adventures of this era.
- A love letter to pixel art for a new audience, Owlboy is an open-world exploration game with a unique mix of flight and platforming.
- Carry anything. Recruit Otus’s friends as gunners to fight for you, each with unique abilities and stories.
- Large dungeons with big and challenging boss battles.
Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone
Added: 2016-11-07
Region: Universal
Resolutions: Any
Hardware Support: XInput Joystick, HID Joystick
Save Method: System
Play Status/History
Progress: Bonus Content Remaining
Queue: Not Queued
Myself from 06/11/2016 to 04/12/2016