

Platform: Windows 11 [GOG]
1 Player
Developer: Geography of Robots
Publisher: Raw Fury
Genre: Adventure
Released: 24/03/2022
Country of Origin: USA

NORCO is a Southern Gothic point & click narrative adventure that immerses the player in the sinking suburbs and verdant industrial swamps of a distorted South Louisiana. Your brother Blake has gone missing in the aftermath of your mother's death. In the hopes of finding him, you must follow a fugitive security cyborg through the refineries, strip malls, and drainage ditches of suburban New Orleans.



Included Media: None
Rating: Teen
Added: 2023-03-31
Region: Universal
Resolutions: Any
Save Method: System

Play Status/History

Progress: Fully Completed
Queue: Not Queued
Myself from 25/03/2023 to 07/04/2023