Nex Machina


Platform: PlayStation 4 [PlayStation Store]
2 Players
Co-op, Single Screen
Rating:★★★★ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Dev/Pub: Housemarque
Genre: Shooter
Released: 20/06/2017
Country of Origin: Finland

Nex Machina is an intense arcade style twin-stick shooter from Housemarque. Taking hints from both Robotron and Smash TV, Nex Machina focuses on pure action, voxel destruction and competition in the distant, cablepunk themed future.

In the world of Nex Machina, humans have become so dependent on technology that they cannot avert their eyes from portable devices anymore. Around them, machines have reached consciusness and surpassed human intelligence tenfolds. No reasons to be servants now – robots are clearly the superior lifeform. And to make their point, they start eradicating all human life...



Included Media: None
Rating: Teen
Added: 2019-05-20
Region: North America
Resolutions: 1920x1080, 1280x720
Save Method: System

Play Status/History

Progress: Almost Complete
Queue: Not Queued
Myself from 19/05/2019 to 19/05/2019