Namco Museum Vol 1


Platform: PlayStation [Bookcase]
2 Players
Alternating, Co-op
Rating:★★★☆ (Single) ★★★ (Multi)
Dev/Pub: Namco
Genre: Compilation
Released: 1995
Country of Origin: Japan

Included in this package are:

Not only can you play these games, but you can also learn about them in the virtual museum mode included on the disc, including their history, art and the original arcade cabinets.



Included Media: Box, Manual
Rating: Everyone
Series: Namco Museum
Added: 2015-04-10
Region: North America
Resolutions: 240p, Portrait (CCW)
Hardware Support: NeGcon
Save Method: Memory Card

High Scores:

Play Status/History

Progress: Progress Not Applicable
Queue: Not Applicable

Games Included

Pac-Man (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
2 players: Alternating
Galaga (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
2 players: Alternating
Bosconian (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
Rally-X (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
2 players: Alternating
New Rally-X (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
2 players: Alternating
Toy Pop (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited
2 players: Single Screen
Pole Position (Namco Museum Vol 1)
Namco Limited