Platform: Windows 6.x (Vista-7) [Steam]
4 Players
Online, Competative, Single Screen, Team
Rating:★★★★★ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Developer: Capybara Games
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: RPG, Puzzle
Released: 22/09/2011
Country of Origin: Canada
Clash of Heroes offers intriguing hybrid gameplay, engaging
role-playing elements, and a great presentation. Might & Magic Clash
of Heroes takes place 40 years before the Heroes V saga. Scattered
across five different regions of Ashan, five special heroes must travel
their own dangerous paths to grow in strength, unravel a demonic plot,
and ultimately save the world from Chaos.
Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone 10+
Series: Might & Magic
Added: 2011-01-24
Region: North America
Resolutions: Any
Hardware Support: HID Joystick, XInput Joystick
Save Method: System
Does not run. ProtonDB / Github
Bug in
Wine itself
2024 Update: Seems fixed
Play Status/History
Progress: Fully Completed
Queue: Not Queued