Metal Slug 2


Platform: Neo Geo [Humble Store]
2 Players
Single Screen, Co-op
Rating:★★★☆ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Dev/Pub: SNK
Genre: Shooter, Platformer
Released: 1998
Country of Origin: Japan

As Marco, Eri, Tarma, or Fio, you must defeat the evil General Morden and his henchman. To do this, you must defeat various enemies that get in your way. Throughout the game, you can collect new weapons including the Heavy Machine Gun, Shot Gun, Rocket Launcher, Flame Shot, Laser Shot, Flame Bottles, and Armor Piercer. Also scattered throughout the game, you can ride in four different vehicles (aka: Slugs) such as the Metal Slug, Slug Flyer, Camel Slug, and SlugNoid. By using these vehicles, you can cause awesome destruction against Morden's evil army. Other items such as energy, extra ammunition, and food (eat too much and your player will gain weight) are also found throughout the game.



Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone 10+
Series: Metal Slug
Added: 2015-12-08
Region: Universal
Resolutions: 240p
Save Method: None

Play Status/History

Progress: Fully Completed
Queue: Not Queued