

Platform: Windows 4.x/9x [Download]
1 Player
Dev/Pub: Studio Pixel
Genre: Shooter
Released: 15/04/2007
Country of Origin: Japan

Guxt is a tiny Shoot-Em-Up created by independent developer Pixel, who previously released Cave Story.

Gameplay is simple. You fly your space ship though the vertical stages, blasting everything that comes in your way. Speed and weapon upgrades makes life easier. Each stage ends with a boss fight.

The game has a distinct look and feel aimed at reminding you of classic Gameboy games. With only 5 stages the game is not too big, but will require a lot of training to beat.



Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone
Added: 2013-04-13
Region: Universal
Resolutions: 120x160, Portrait (CCW), Portrait (CW)
Hardware Support: HID Joystick
Save Method: System

Play Status/History

Progress: Incomplete
Queue: Not Queued