Blazing Star


Platform: Neo Geo [Humble Store]
2 Players
Single Screen, Co-op
Rating:★★★☆ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Developer: Yumekobo Co., Ltd.
Publisher: SNK
Genre: Shooter
Released: 1998
Country of Origin: Japan

The unofficial sequel to Pulstar, Blazing Star is again a horizontal-scrolling shoot-'em-up. One or two players proceed along levels, each with a boss enemy at the end, trying to redeem the humankind. There are six ships to choose from, each with its own pilot (four of them females), weapons and characteristics of movement. Each ship has its own types of shots, but also a standard shot, charged shot (more powerful) and split shot (a charged shot can be parted into more bullets, lowering the power of each bullet while widening the fire range).



Included Media: None
Rating: Everyone
Added: 2015-12-16
Region: Universal
Resolutions: 240p
Save Method: None

Play Status/History

Progress: Incomplete
Queue: Not Queued