Platform: DOS [Den Bookcase, Steam]
8 Players
Competative, Co-op, Defunct Online, LAN, Team
Rating:★★★☆ (Single) ★★★★ (Multi)
Developer: 3D Realms
Publisher: GT Interactive
Genre: Shooter, First Person
Released: 1997
Country of Origin: USA
Also on Steam (Classic Redux)
Included Media: Manual
Rating: Mature
Series: Shadow Warrior
Added: 2006-01-01
Region: North America
Resolutions: 320x200, 320x400, 640x480, 800x600
Hardware Support: Analog Joystick, CH Flightstick, ThrustMaster FCS, CD Audio
Save Method: System
Play Status/History
Progress: Bonus Content Remaining
Queue: Not Interested
Myself from 05/11/2017 to 02/12/2017